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First YELL Meeting is Motivating

Posted Date: 01/27/2021

First YELL Meeting is Motivating

The Young Emerging Leaders of Levelland (YELL), hosted by the Levelland Chamber of Commerce, conducted their first meeting today. Joining this group allows students to have resources that aid them in graduation requirements and opportunities. The officers were recognized: President Kalgarie Oaks, Vice President Britton Davis, VP of PR Elisa Zamora, VP of Social Media Damian Rubalcava, VP of Community Service Riley Siders, and VP of Membership Audrey Miller. Today, attendees heard a dynamic, motivational speech by Matt Rush.  He spoke and told kids that they have to plant a seed in themselves, others, and the future. He explained that they might not control what happens to them, but they can control their reactions. Everyone enjoyed a pizza lunch provided by the Chamber and went away optimistically fantastic!