Posted Date: 04/21/2021
Congratulations to the Levelland FFA Entomology team on placing 1st in Area and 1st in District yesterday at Texas Tech! Levelland FFA also swept the high point individuals with Riley Siders- 1st high point with a score of 243, Blake Houston- 2nd high point with a score of 237, Reed Terrell- 3rd high point with a score of 236 & Anson McMahan- 4th high point with a score of 211. And congratulations to the Levelland FFA Meats Judging team on placing 1st in Area and 1st in District yesterday! This FFA team also swept the high point individuals with Ryan Pyeatt- 1st high point with a score of 751, Alyssa Loafman- 2nd high point with a score of 740, Damian Rubalcava- 7th high point with a score of 718, & Raul Flores- 12th high point with a score of 688. We send out a huge thank you to the Ag Teachers, also, for their continued support of these awesome kids! These students will compete at State on May 1st!