Posted Date: 04/26/2021
LISD Board of Education called a special meeting last week to fill the role of High School Principal, which has been left open by the departure of Robbie Phillips. With Mr. Phillips' resignation, LISD had been accepting applications for the position, and the Site-Based Committee performed interviews of qualified candidates. After a brief introduction by Superintendent Jeff Northern and Assistant Superintendent Rodney Caddell, the board met Dr. Matthew Birdwell, who is currently serving as the High School Principal at Ponder, Texas. Dr. Birdwell is extensively qualified for the position having earned a Ph.D. from Texas Tech in Educational Leadership Curriculum & Instruction. He has held previous Principal positions in Perryton, and in Lorenzo for many years. Birdwell is himself from Lorenzo originally. “I’m West Texas-born and raised,” he said in a brief interview after the meeting. His father had coached in Lorenzo for many years, giving him strong ties and West Texas roots to fall back on. To that same end, he does not come this far alone. He also seeks to bring his wife, Vannessa to LISD, and she was recommended as a 4th grade ELAR teacher. After a brief deliberation, the motion to bring Mr. Birdwell aboard passed unanimously. We are glad to have him at LISD! Mr. Birdwell, you're in the right place! Story/photo courtesy KLVT.