Posted Date: 09/08/2021
It's Homecoming, and we want to introduce the 2021 Homecoming Court! Freshman Attendee: Aurey Rivas Escorted by Neamiah Campos, Sophomore Attendee: Mia Escandon Escorted by Taeshaun Jones, Junior Attendee: Laci White Escorted by Marco Guillen, Senior Court: Elisa Zamora-Venegas Escorted by Rusty Johnson, Emma Kent Escorted by Dillon Brogden, and Brianna Rodriguez Escorted by Xavier Jackson. We are so proud of all these outstanding leaders! On Friday LHS will host a Drive-By of the Homecoming Court at 10:15 am before the 10:30 am Homecoming Pep Rally! You're in the right place!